Welcome to TIR Church. TIR Church is a place where everyone's welcome because one of the things we've learned is that Nobody's perfect and with Jesus, we believe that Anything's possible.
Bienvenidos a TIR. La Iglesia TIR es un lugar donde todos son bienvenidos porque una de las cosas que hemos aprendido es que nadie es perfecto y con Jesús creemos que todo es posible.

Our Mission
Cross Frontiers and Expand the Kingdom.

Our Vision
Transform, Integrate, Restore individuals, communities, people and nations with the message of the Kingdom of God. Establishing Temples of worship and restoring the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is us, and is what constitutes us in the Church, inviting Him to manifest in us and through us in a supernatural way.
We accept our international and multicultural identity where everyone is welcome and we will reach the nations. It is our sole intention to preach the message of integral Restoration where Body, Soul and Spirit are connected to the original design and propelled to their prophetic destiny.

Bishop Harry J. Torres
Our Pastor